Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Delusional Optimism

The Biscayne Times is usually a great source of focused information about life in Northeast Dade and they often write about North Bay Village which is frequently overlooked in other media.  I'm looking  to you "Hometown News" at WSVN.   

This month's article on North Bay Village seems utterly delusional.  "It's Only Up From Here" says the headline while the sub-headline says "Failing infrastructure in North Bay Village means the red carpet for high-rise developer".   The article accurately reflects some of the current situation in North Bay Village:
  • Our sewers have failed. 
  • There's no open space.
  • The condos on Harbor Island have illegally blocked access to the bay front. 
 There is no discussion of the failed parking policies on Harbor Island nor the impending parking problems on Treasure Island.  Neither do they mention the failing school at Treasure Island Elementary and what, if any, efforts have been put in place to raise the quality.  And of course nothing about optimizing the little open space we do have. 

What is stunning is the conclusion.  The article actually posits that this is good news for North Bay Village or rather for developers since the failed infrastructure means lower prices or something.  This in spite of the fact that the same article shows that the market is not responding to the supposed opportunities.  

Look, I actually believe we need to be positive and realistic in facing our municipal problems.  It's a balance and the complete lack of realism in our village administration has resulted in the current morass.  The mayor, vice mayor and the village manager repeatedly refuse to acknowledge cause and effect and instead just hope for the best with no effort on their part.  

Developers won't save us.  We've heard that bull for years as building after building was pushed through.  Our tax base increased but so did our reckless spending. 

And again oddly, the article casually mentions the "well regarded village manager", one Frank Rollasaon.  I'm going out on a limb here and assuming Rollason was their only source for this "well regarded" descriptor.  The mayor is currently trying to fire him, morale at Village Hall is at an all time low, he's in open battles with the Community Enhancement Board, he screwed up the parking program for Harbor Island and has alienated almost all the involved citizens of North Bay Village.
 Taking a sunny view of objective failure is not optimism, it's delusion.  
Kevin Vericker
October  6, 2015

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