Friday, March 16, 2012

The Police Department and the Budget

What does the budget tell us our priorities are?

The biggest single discretionary expense has been the ongoing arbitration and court battles with two officers. In one case, the results are in and we are now on the hook for wrongful termination with a yet to be determined amount of money to reinstate the officer. It will probably be a hit well over $200,000 for back pay and benefits, plus the legal bills for an additonal $200,000.

In another case, there is an ongoing legal battle over what seems to be a union battle. Former CFD president and current appointed commissioner Richard Chervony was subpoenaed on Friday in the case over his involvement. Apparently he instigated the complaint over a Facebook posting two years ago where the officer posted that he believed North Bay Village needed "new blood" on the commission. This one too has all the earmarks of a losing case.

The police chief was brought in to resolve the conflicts in the police department but he hasn't succeeded. If anything they are worse. And we're footing the bill. Reduced or nonexistent services and unnecessary lawsuits of over $500,000 while the city is going broke.

The cherry on the sundae is that mismanaging the police takes so much effort, that there is now a posting for an "Assistant Chief" to help in it. Where does it stop?

Kevin Vericker
March 18, 2012

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