Thursday, June 3, 2010

Time for Some Math

While Vice Mayor Kane, former Vice Mayor Trujillo and Mayor Emeritus Vogel were off last month, relaxing from their arduous April of ending North Bay Village's long run of good government and transparency, the city continued spiraling towards broke.

By now we've all seen the Herald article on the fall of taxable property in Miami-Dade. 2011 promises to be a pretty grim year.

Time for some math. With a projected decrease of 26% in North Bay Village, this means that our current budgeted revenue from Ad Valorem taxes of $5,006,940 will drop to $3,474,119.

Current Budget: $5,947,867
2011 with no changes: $4,415,046.

The city has to find $1,532,821 in new revenue or reduce the budget by that amount.

Given our track record in 2010, this is probably not going to happen.

In October last year, the Police Department was given a direct mandate to cut $350,000 from their budget. That's hasn't happened. In fact, as of April 30th, was $124,318 over budget.

There's no real room elsewhere. The project money doesn't come from the ad valorem taxes, so there's not much cutting can be done on that. Raising millage is difficult, if not impossible, as enough people are already struggling to pay their bills.

It's time to look at the police from top to bottom.

Kevin Vericker
June 3, 2010

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